30 Nov 2007


Our main problem is not Israel, is not the US oil policy, is not the barmy bush, is not the lack of international support, is not the greediness of global powers in the Middle Eastern resources…is not any thing of what you read or watch in news …
It is what you watch in streets, schools, banks, buses, governmental institutions, every house, churches and mosques, in every single corner….

Our problem is simply that we are a nation full of poets, full of religious lecturers, full of singers, full of actors, full of teachers, full of doctors, full or writers, full of drivers, full of politicians, full of directors, full of Gods, full of blue suites workers, full of managers, full of policemen, full of students, full of analyzers….. full of people...

BUT with no citizens.


Maysaloon said...

Pray tell us then, what is a citizen and why should we have any?

Anonymous said...

is this Dania the Dania on Facebook? ;-)
welcome to the blogsphere! nice post.

Dania said...

A citizen is someone who has rights and responsibilities to full fit… a citizen is someone who is allowed to think, to speak rather than being busy roaming the country to have the minimum economical state that any human being should have (house, car, job…etc)
A citizen is some one who has and demand for his right of the freedom of thought, conscience, expression, knowledge
A citizen is some one who wont allow himself to be underestimated by his own representatives in parliament by pushing them to achieve their promises and duties.
A citizen is some one who is involved in political decisions, internal or external…
A citizen is some one who has too much pride to become an a** kisser
A citizen is some one who is aware of his essential rights
A citizen is some one who take responsibility of his country from all aspects rather than playing victim all the time, rather than rolling over and playing dead.
A citizen is some one who wont turn blind to all the law violations around him
A citizen is some one who wont cross the red sign because he drive a black, green numbered car
A citizen is some one who has too much pride to vote yes when he means no
A citizen is some one who wont take every thing for granted (sho bedna na3mel, t3awadna!)
A citizen is some one who would take initiative to create, to do, to solve to act…
A citizen is some one who loves his country, not to cry over it or to GET USED TO IT rather than fight for it and work for it.
I can go on and go on but I guess you got my point.

Why we should have any?! Well….Because this country wont heal itself by magic, no country did, every country needed its citizens not its whiners and ours is need to us.

Razan, it is great to meet you here, thank you for the sweet welcoming ..!

ziad said...

when Jamal Abdulnasser first come to Syria, he has been warnned that half of the Syrian think that they are Presidents and the other half are willing to ...
so as you said ... no citizins ...

Maysaloon said...

Hmm...this is actually quite interesting Dania. I agree with you that all these things are admirable, but I say it's interesting because you have embodied a lot that is good and noble about being a human being with values and morals, yet you have chosen the concept of a "citizen" to embody this. I could take the exact same thing you have said but swap citizen for human being, since without these qualities you mention, any human being would be quite detestable and not at all someone to be admired.

So am I correct in saying that you actually want people who can fulfill these criteria you've mentioned, but perhaps used the word citizen by accident? Surely you cannot have these qualities as a "citizen" if you lack them as a person. Hence, having more citizens is not what you really want, but more people with the moral qualities you've mentioned. It's logical then that citizenship would naturally follow.

I'm sorry for being cynical initially. I just wanted to see what you meant exactly by that bold post, or whether you were just sacrificing sense for drama. I think you've got the makings of a great blog - hope to hear from you soon ;)

Dania said...

A Citizen is some one who has rights and responsibilities as I said before, those morals are part of these responsibilities, not to mention that giving them their rights will help build responsible citizen.
As for humans, well … we are lack of humans, and I totally agree with you that a citizen is some one who has to have the morals of a human.
So we build a human first with dignity, sense of responsibility , a space to think and talk and we ask him to become a citizen.
Are we building humans..? NO! and so we have no citizens!
Thank you for your contribution, I appreciate your comment.
Ziad, thank you for passing by, Abdelnaser maybe was surrounded with people who are able and willing to think, he felt lack of “yes, sir” more than lack of citizens I guess ;)…