8 Jan 2008

Arabism?!... Come on!

I don’t believe in Arabism for so many reasons.
I am not honored by it… I believe in my country, my people, humans… but I don’t believe in Arabism which I still have no meaning for it, I still don’t comprehend the goal of it, the core of it, and the reason to fight for it since Arabic leaders shamefully have the “apotheosis” internal policy and the “kissing asses” external policy…
Things changed, new theories, new ideologies, new understanding, new cultures are being built, new people …
Plus I just want to know how the Palestinian cause is benefiting from Arabism?
Language is not enough, as long as we don’t share the interests…!
History is not enough, we don’t share the future…!
Religion is just a brainless idea to get united not to mention we don’t share one religion – thank God-
So why are we still holding on it?
It breaks my heart to say so, I feel defeated to say I don’t believe in Arabism and I don’t know why.
but we should stop lying to ourselves and start thinking of a new practical method to get away from this crack, to actually help our causes not because of fake relation that no one believes in but because of doing what is right and fight the mutual enemy we have, find the mutual interests and try to build it out.
We should Think critical and stop this tribal attitudes that will only hold us down.
I don’t believe in Arabism but I believe in my country, I believe in Humans… and I believe in Justice… this is my cause.


Shady Zayat said...

You forgot to mention that we are "United by the geography". lol . It's amazing that we even forgot the notion of continents when we studied "Tarbiya Quawmiya"

saint said...

To read someone from Syria have the courage to say what he thinks is beyond believe and to hear him say that he does not believe in Arabism is more than courage it is unbelievable. Hope this is a prelude of new age for Syrians and not a cyclical one mentioned only when the Arab countries in disagreement. I always believed the Arabism is fantasy who ever lift this sign, he will stay in power for ever till he achieves it and he knows he it is unrealistic and just distracting fantasy. It is also used as a t cover for leaders to cover their mistakes and their totalitarianism.

علوش said...

هذا رأيك أنت...

"We should Think critical and stop this tribal attitudes that will only hold us down."

ما هون المصيبة لما بتعتبري العروبة هي ارتباط بالقبلية ونسيتي إنو العروبة هي اختراع مسيحي كانوا يأملون فيه أن يكون وسيلة ليدمج المسلمين والمسيحيين في بوتقة واحدة وللأسف صار العكس.

القومية فكرة اجت من عالم يعتبر الآن شديد التقدم ونحلم أن نكون مثله.

انما الخطأ هو لما تم تحويل القومية إلى فكرة عنصرية، مما دمر الهدف الأسمى إلها وهو توحيد الشعب ببوتقة مدنية واحدة، وتشكيل تفاعل ايجابي مع القوميات الأخرى.

ما بيصير تحكمي على وطن أو شعب أو حضارة من خلال لحظة ضعفه، ولا تنسي إنو أمم حقيرة تحولت لأمم عظيمة بفعل أقلية هي الأقلية التي تؤمن بنفسها وبلغتها وبحضارتها.

دائماً هناك لاعبي شطرنج، وأحجار شطرنج لا يهمهم شيء سوى الأكل والنوم، سواء لبس فراء أحمر أم أخضر، ومستعد لأن يتحول لأي شكل من الأشكال المهم فقط أن يؤمن لنفسه المعيشة.

الرعاة امرهم مختلف تماماً، فهم لاعبي الشطرنج وليسوا أحجار الشطرنج، هم القلة القليلة التي تعمل وهم سبب انتقال الحضارة من قارة لأخرى.

لو الصينيين اتبعوا مبدئك لكانت الصين تتكلم اليابانية الآن.

لو الأوروبيين اتبعوا مبدئك، لكانوا مسلمين ويتكلمون العربية.

شعور المرارة هو شعور الهزيمة، وهذا طبيعي فنحن المغلويين في هذا العصر ونحن المهزومين

وعبر التاريخ المغلوب يقلد الغالب.
لا بل يسعى المغلوب لأن يتخلى عن أي شيء يدل عليه حتى يتخلص من عقدة الهزيمة.

شعورك طبيعي جداً.

مسألة الايمان بالعدالة والانسان والوطن هي كالايمان بالمدينة الفاضلة.

كلنا نتفق عليه لكن أين السبيل إليه.
أليس من الأسهل أن ننتقل من الجزء للكل.

التكتل لا يبدأ من الأعلى، بل يبدا من الأسفل

أنا أؤمن بهويتي، أؤمن بنفسي وأؤمن بشعبي.

لن تجدي أمريكياً يبكي ضحايا العرب كما نبكيهم نحن.

ولن تجدي سوري يبكي ضحايا 11 سبتمبر كما يبكيهم الأمريكيين.

المسألة لا تتعلق بالانسانية.
المسألة تتعلق بالمنطق..

بالنسبة للعروبة أو القومية، بنظري انتهى عصر القوميات، اليوم هو عصر الثقافات، القوميات فشلت لأنها تحمل بذور عنصرية، أما الثقافة فهي الانسانية بذاتها، هي أن نفتخر بما نملك، ونسعى لنملك أكثر من خلال احتكاكنا مع غيرنا، ننقل عنهم ونعطيهم منا، نأخذ ونعطي.

مرة ثانية أحترم رأيك وأختلف معه.

Dania said...

Aloosh frankly I didn’t see any thing in your common that disagree with the idea of “Arabism is a big fat ass lie that was being put in our thoughts since we were in kindergarten, useless romanticism that’s all”
you still didn’t tell me what is the core of it, you believe in Arabism so tell me what does it mean for God sake, what is its plan, what it doing to Palestine’s cause?… nothing… just a myth used as a play card by what so called leaders.

We need to move on.. we need to think critical and be more logical
Oh and by the way

المسألة لا تتعلق بالانسانية”.
المسألة تتعلق بالمنطق”

Are you serious?!, humanity is the logic and vise versa!

lets put figuration out and try to make a projection of who are those “shepherds” you mentioned, and this name by the way really get on my nerve… shepherd… we are no sheep!
Anyway, this is different from China’s history and way different from the European liberation from the Islamic occupation.

People here must be liberated from their own weakness and humiliation
People here must be freed from the meaningless calls.

shady, all countries must be united -geographically till we reach an ocean cause then we don’t have to become one land!!

saint, be sure this is not a cyclical one mentioned when Arab countries in disagreement
and we will keep be in disagreement until we respect the new needs to those new ideologies..

Ayman Haykal said...

If you believe Arabism is a lie, then Syria itself is a lie.

Prove me wrong:

You have nothing more in common with someone in Aleppo than with someone in Amman, except for your Syrian ID and passport.

Your fellow citizen from Daraa may have more in common with somebody in Irbid than with you.

The people of Deir Ez-Zor feel closer to the people across the border in Iraq than to those in Tartous.

An average person from Homs and an average person from Nablus talk the same language, have the same culture, share the same values, received similar education, learned the same poems at school, listen to the same songs, watch the same TV channels, laugh at the same jokes. They are very likely to have very similar thoughts about middle east politics. They will both complain about the lack of democracy and failing economies. YES they do share the same INTERESTS, HOPES and ASPIRATIONS that GOVERNMENTS failed to achieve.

Arabism in the ideological form adopted by totalitarian regimes was indeed a terrible failure. But Arabism is not that. It's a bond that connects people across borders that they did not draw.

Anonymous said...

But it takes more than common things to make a country… this is the difference.
All countries were lies that came true.. I totally agree.
Plus sharing same vision about future, same complains about economical situations and lack of democracy, watching the same T.V channels and laugh at the same jocks is not a good reason to declare a nation cause if what you assume is right then people from Africa and far east and Europe and south America and even America should join the Arabic nation!

Correct me if I am wrong, Arabism means that we should all bond under one Arabic nation, share economical resources, governmental policies, educational curriculums…
You believe in this I guess so tell me… what is the plan? What Arabism means????? What is its goal??? Do you think sharing the same interests is enough to build a nation…?
I don’t think so…

And one last thing… the guy you mentioned in Der-el-zore maybe do share the same habits and cultural believes with Iraqis more than with me the Damascene…
But we both are Syrians… when some thing happens, he will put his hands in mines to work for Syria, we fight for Syria.. not with his Iraqis brothers…
I feel no more bonded with the Libyan more than I do with the Indian…
And that doesn’t mean that if he was in trouble I wont rush to help him if he were Indian or Libyan… so I really cant see what Arabism means…!

We were raised in a way to prefer the “national” interest over our “local’s” which is wrong cause I don’t see a nation but I see Syria…

That doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to fight for Palestine, or I don’t have the right to call for women’s rights in Saudi… I don’t have to speak Arabic to do so…

And eventually.. me , the der-el-zor guy, the nablsian , the French, the Christian, the Jewish, the Muslim, the atheist , the Canadian, the guy who reads the same books I read, the guy who has the same vision I have, the guy who hates me, the guy in china
We all share the human bond… and I am proud of that.

Dubai Jazz said...

There isn't supposed to be a plan. Arabism is an identity; it's not a life style.

Ihsan said...

We have misused the term "Arabism" to an extinct that many of us have stopped believing in it. I don't blame them as I'm one of them with the slight difference that I never actually bought the whole thing!

Arabism should not be about having the same language, nor the same dreams or hopes and definitely not about having the same religion as some might claim. It should be primarily based on mutual interest as nations. The EU is a good example of building a so-far successful ideology based on what's best for these countries that exist on the same geographical continuum who share borders with each other and who, for most of them, had a lot together throughout history. They don't have the same language, nor the same culture, but they have the same valid reason, prosperity.

As Arabs, we have a whole lot more in common than the Europeans have, yet, all what we got is a lame and sick call for Arabism in which all what I would get if I'm being shot at is a short cry of sadness from my fellow Arabs throughout the Arab world before they go back to their homes and mind their own business....well, guess what, after all this, I'm still shot at, am I not? Did the thoughtfulness help me as a Syrian facing an ordeal? Have all our cries spared the life of any Palestinian? This is the Arabism that we have....a hallow feeling of sympathy that ends the moment we turn off the tv.

If it to be a success, a source of pride, it has to be built on the mutual interest between us as peers... that will lead ALL of us to prosperity and liberation. Anything less than that is "words lost in the air" A.K.A. Arabism as we know it now!

Dania said...

nothing to add.
seriously Ihsan, thank you