4 Jan 2008

yeah we grow colder!

Today I found by chance a couple of old cassettes belong to my very early childhood, one of them is for Remie Bandaly and the other is for remie and Magedah al roomy children songs…
wow those took me way back into a magical warm sweet feeling that I cant express… and flashes of memories went by and time went by so quickly..
I remembered and actually smelled my usual mornings when I was in my 1st grade till my 5th when dad used to wait with me in the morning for the school bus… he always asked me to run in order to feel warm when it is really cold… I have never felt such warm since those days.
I remembered when I used to climb the next building’s fence cause it looked more appealing for me than the opened door…
I remembered when I used to race dad to the car – an old old Peugeot- to turn it on and heat the engine, I used to get so down in order to reach the benzene … that was a big pleasure for me!
I remember grandma’s warm sitting room, and my aunt’s chocolates that she used to bring us from Beirut or any place she travels to, I remembered my own corner in the dinning room, it was always dark and cold, I enjoyed sitting there alone, writing or reading…I had big imagination…
I used to gather with friends in the school yard talking about Palestine, and putting plans to go there and fight, my role was to defect Israeli’s submarines.
I used to put plans with friends a lot… I had a friend who had big imagination like mine and we planned to run into the mountains and live an exciting life fighting bad guys – don’t judge me, I was like 6-
I remembered when I used to read what ever I find, I have always had a crush on Physics, I was no geniuses, actually even though I was really good at school but I didn’t realize some simplest things in science like I didn’t understand why the oceans in the southern polar never drop down nor the people living there till I was in my 3ed grade in spite of all efforts by dad!

When we were kids we were stronger and we were purer, we’ve always found stuff to do… we never felt empty, we never felt so damn insecure…
We grow colder as we grow older, we grow weaker ….and we grow smaller…

P.S: if any one needs a specific song by Remi I can share it as mp3 form.
Cheers every one :)


Yazan said...

Akh ya Dania,

many of your posts resound very clearly...


Dania said...

Ookay… that’s kind of cool!
Anyway, I have never recalled Remi since I was a child till I found those cassettes today.. so they brought those great dramatic memories evoking.

How ever, I will read all your posts in order to save time in the future ;)