14 May 2008

It is never

It is never a victory when one lebanese kills another lebanese.

It is never justified.

there is never peace when rights are lost.

there is never celebration when blood is on hands.

The blood will never dry.

It is never a nation based on religion.

It is never a promotion of state security when a blogger is sentenced to 3 years in prison for expressing his opinions

It is never safe to go out after midnight on a Saturday night in Glasgow

It is never... and it will never be

1 comment:

Ihsan said...

Yet....it has always been like that...and most likely, will always be....

Victory is based on your sect, blood has been drying for 60 years, religion has been the base of life for more than 6000 years and opinions have never been been allowed unless they are in favor.

But yes....it will never be.....any different!