28 Nov 2008

If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?

I just feel a little silly today, such a tragedy strategy to survive Fridays though…Bear with me my fellow bears.

Okay, here are some nice tongue twisters that can drive your whole family away from the house so you can have the house for your self and have a party the whole night without even hearing from your family till the next day…
Or if you wanna annoy some one who is easy to irritate, do it in group… trust me it works!

" She sells sea shells on sea shore the shells she sells are seashells for sure."

"Cheap sheep on cheap ship eating cheap chips ( 10 times quickly)"

"Betty Botter had some butter,"But," she said, "this butter's bitter.If I bake this bitter butter,it would make my batter bitter.But a bit of better butter--that would make my batter better."So she bought a bit of butter,better than her bitter butter,and she baked it in her batter,and the batter was not bitter.So 'twas better Betty Botterbought a bit of better butter."

" They both, though, have thirty-three thick thimbles to thaw"

It's silly and time consuming?! What a selfish shellfish I am!

Cheers every one ;)!


Anonymous said...

It took me 15 minutes to be able to say most of them with no mistakes. Thank you for the good fun!

Fulup said...

Thirty thousand thrushes, with fine thick feathers all down their thighs, flew over Thornton Heath.

Abufares said...

مرة مرأت بمرج زهور
فرفر فرفورة وفرفور
أنا ركضت ورا الفرفورة
وفوفو ورا الفرفور

It even sounds better if the speaker pronounces the R like a GH.

Dania said...

Anonymous, only 15 minutes?! that's good!

Fulup, nice one :), i love the "th" twisters... "with big childesh sparkling eyes".

Dania said...

I love it! it's g"gh"eat one, hope foofoo got to faghfough ;)

salam said...

" She sells sea shells on sea shore the shells she sells are seashells for sure."

Actually it is likely Made in China

Dania said...

from East China sea? still seashells for sure ;)

well I would prefer to have them from Tatous of Lattakia seashore