1 Dec 2008

Destructive anger

I'm filled with anger, deep rooted anger, anger for all those who are too busy burying their loved ones to feel angry, or even to feel…angry at all this fuckin mess that doesn’t make any sense, if there is a God then he should taste all the suffering he is putting human under, it's shit, it's horrible, its crazy, it's dark and it's so fucking painful...

I don’t know why I'm writing this shit here, I don’t know what I should do to release that anger, it can't be productive, I'm in such deep pain that beyond doing any thing constructive.

I will go for a walk...


Anonymous said...

"I will go for a walk... "

that's what I usually do, my longest "angry walk" took 3.5 hours, might have walked 15-20 km on that day.

hope you're feeling better

SyrianGavroche said...

"I will go for a walk..."

نيالك.. صرلا اسبوع ما وقفت مطر عندي و ما خرج الواحد يتمشى...

منيح عم تخليني اقرا بالانكليزي.. لازمني كتير والله


salam said...

Better be angry than emotionally dead. Most people do not care, and so there is no reason for them to get angry. I envy them in a way, because they live without anger or stress, they watch sport games, and soap operas, and they do not care about what happen in Iraq, yet alone in the Congo. They are like sheep, they are happy as long as they get their day share of the grass.
Anger can be a positive motivating factor for a person who does not believe in using unjustified violence to try to correct what is wrong, but it can also be a bad human trait which can destruct its carrier. Those who do not end dead fighting with arms for what made them angry, they many suffer from the stress of the anger about injustice they can not change. Maybe that is why the majority of humans do not have this trait, because natural selection eliminate those few who do. It is much like the type A personality which is usually a marker for greatness, and poor health.
In your case you already channeled your anger into 2 positive things, writing, and walking

Dania said...

mine took only 1 hr cause I ran into friends and we went to a cafe' to spend the evening...

3.5 hrs..mmm... it must be something really angry worth that drove you to walk for 20 km!

Dania said...

walking under the rain is better than dry walk, especially when you're angry, thunderstorms will scream for you and rain will wash your soul and guarantee a smile when go back home, put dry cloths on and have a nice hot cup of tea.

it's good now you are reading English, now try to comment in English if you are planning to improve your English, that's what I do ;)

Dania said...

I don't know if walking and writing are constructive enough, but they are good ways to release (some) of that anger. It's always over whelming when looking at all the injustice that is happening in the world, or lets say the very some that we can learn about. Starting with individual cases, ending with international wars... chronic, it feels chronic, I feel so extremely small and insignificant infront of this huge beast that is bigger than the earth
This is when "helplessness" hit the strongest and the most painful.

SyrianGavroche said...

Walking under the rain is nice when the rain is normal, not the Deluge of compostela´s winter.

Excuse my bad english, I don´t use it since six years ago.