31 Jul 2009

28 Jul 2009

The Group Marriage charity!

"وتهدف الجمعية إلى مساعدة الشباب والشابات على الزواج وعلى تحصين أنفسهم وهي تعي تماماً ما يتعرض له جيل الشباب من ضغوط مادية تنعكس على وضعهم النفسي والفكري كما أن انتشار البطالة وقلة فرص العمل وارتفاع أسعار السكن وغلاء المهور وانتشار الفاحشة وغيرها من المشكلات هي إحدى الأسباب لتأسيس الجمعية أيضاً والذي يعتمد عملها الرئيسي على المحسنين الذين يقدمون التبرعات. "

Dear “blessed” people helping our youth to have sex under the approval of your standards, while Chastising the “youth” and giving them the chance to "fortify" themselves and to avoid the act of forbidden love by dragging them into a life of early social and economical burden in which they are not prepared for... Do Syria a favour and include a lot of condoms and safe sex advice with other household stuff you distribute for the newlyweds!

20 Jul 2009

Nietzsche with a Nightly coffee

'To the clean are all things clean' — thus say the people. I, however, say unto you: To the swine all things become swinish! Therefore preach the visionaries and bowed-heads (whose hearts are also bowed down): 'The world itself is a filthy monster.' For these are all unclean spirits; especially those, however, who have no peace or rest, unless they see the world FROM THE BACKSIDE — the backworldsmen! TO THOSE do I say it to the face, although it sound unpleasantly: the world resembleth man, in that it hath a backside, — SO MUCH is true! There is in the world much filth: SO MUCH is true! But the world itself is not therefore a filthy monster!

Friedrich Nietzsche

2 Jul 2009


Syrian President Mr. Bashar al-Assad issued today an announcement provides a legislative amendment to the Article number 548 of the Syrian Penal Code which gives justifications to murders against women in the name of honour.

Text of the decree:

“Issued by President Bashar al-Assad today, Legislative Decree No. (37)- 2009 to abolish the article / 548 / of the Penal Code and replace it with another text of the decree is as follows:

Syrian Arab Republic Legislative Decree No. (37) President of the Republic Based on the provisions of the Constitution Draw the following: Article 1 - delete the article (548) of the Penal Code and replace it with the following:” He who catches his wife or one of his ascendants, descendants or sister committing adultery or illegitimate sexual acts with another and he killed or injured one or both of them benefits from an mitigating of penalty that has a minimum sentence of two years imprisonment for murder."

The old text of Article 548 stated that:

"He who catches his wife or one of his ascendants, descendants or sister committing adultery or illegitimate sexual acts with another and he killed or injured one or both of them benefits from an exemption of penalty."

This isn't a detailed information about the "new" article, I am not writing to spread the news, I am writing to state what I have to say about it, the shame and the disapointment ...

Not much of a change…! Murders committed against women in the name of “honor” are still considered less of an offensive act, are still excused, and are still JUSTIFIED.

"DisHonor" crimes justification laws must be abolished, with no replacement. Not only for the sake of justice, not for the sake of revenge, but for the sake of reduction.

I am not happy, not even slightly relieved. I feel more bitter. at least the article 548 was put tens of years ago. the modified version is issued today and it still justifies killing and it still says that any Syrian girl is a less- human and a less-citizen and a possible future victim of a murder by the blessing of laws!