9 Nov 2009

When God quit

In one cloudy morning, people around the world woke up on the holiest voice ever, the voice said:
“Dear sons and daughters, gather all, I have something to say”
So, people dropped their coffees, children dropped their school bags, even policemen in white or blue or what ever color they’re wearing stopped waving with their hands and looked up.
Then, the voice said:
“look, I created you all, and now things went out of control, so, I will go and leave you guys alone, deal with your mess and don’t leave any thing hanging for my justice or for my permission or will, no hell, no heaven, no rules, create your own morals, I need to go away and try to find a new universe to create. So, from now on, deal with all the mess and I am quitting…!”
And the voice disappeared with the sweetest holiest music ever.

What would we do now?

How about taking care of the world we fucked up by all means?
Or maybe… just maybe... actually do something about what’s happening in Palestine rather than waiting for God’s will or for when our prayers will be answered?!
Or…or how about this, we actually THINK about morals, about laws, about logic about justice rather than do what we've been told to?
Next time, when we help someone, we will be happy and satisfied because we did the right thing, not because we'd be immortals in heave?!. How about that?!

But you know what?
You know what we'd do?

We would create yet another God…

Things are slow at work today.
Cheers all!

*with all respect to all religions, believers and non-believers.


Zaher said...

actually God left us along time ago , but the religious institutions kept him alive so that they would control people.
there is nothing easier than intimidating people by the unknown.

عاقل said...

مدونتك هي تصريح واضح عن كفر
بتفكروا حالكون شاطرين لما تكفروا عالعلن
بس بوكرا لما الله يمسخكن إنت و شلة البلوغارز يلي ببربروا بالإنكليزي و شايفين حالون و ما بيتحاكوا و مقضينها بالمالكي و الإنهاوس و لما تجيون حالة "أنا مفكر" بيجتمعوا مع رفقاتون ذوي الشعر الطويل و جماعة المعهد العالي للمسرح الفاشل
و لك الله يلعنكون و يلعن يلي عطاكون فرصة لتحكوا

Zaher said...

بعد كل هذا الشتم و الكلام الفارغ

أتسائل ان كنت لا زلت تدعو نفسك بالعاقل
هل تريد ان تفصل الها على حجم دماغك ؟ يمسخ و يقتل و يمارس السحر؟

لو أنك فعلا تعرف دينك لما تحدثت بهذه الطريقة.

روح الله يهديك

Anonymous said...

this is only one result of the liberalism concept prevailing in our conservative societies.. unfortunately.. those people who claim civilization.. are actualy just misusing the liberalism in its essential meaning..

Anonymous said...

if that occured.. how about us?does it the liberalism concept?..self independence+flying open... let me imagine:that is a fantasy scenario mixed with some mythology.. nice scene!!