4 Dec 2007

An “I will betray my country” break down

This is almost the fifth time I read this book “I will betray my country” and yet I don’t get enough.
It is bathetic I know… I am searching for the light, God let there be light!!!
I am sick of dreaming, or pretending that every thing will be alright…
When I finished it this time, all the pain gathered inside
I crouched in pain… and I cried and cried… felt helpless, felt useless, felt black, felt numb, felt hate, felt disgusted, felt suicidal, felt weak, felt death, heart broken, felt pain…so much pain…felt anything thing but a hope.. a light.

I hate the helplessness in us all.

I need a home, I need a place to belong to.
I need a country that loves me back


Yazan said...


that was more than 2 years ago.

Dania said...

2 years ago, hope you were able to BREATH through them...
cause I couldn’t..
it is too much to ask
Yes , it is too much to ask, because our rusted lungs will curse every single breath that is polluted by this tarnish sovereignty.
Yes it is too much to ask, unless all those PEOPLE realize that prayers are not enough
It is too much to ask till People/”citizens” shake this passive, submissive method out of their brains and WAKE UP.
But… we can shout, and scream out too loud …and still.
. كل الاوطان تنام وتنام ,وفي اللحظة الحاسمة تستيقظ ,الا الوطن العربي فيستيقظ و يستيقظ و في اللحظة الحاسمة ينام!

God, I just want to revive my hope… but I just cant any more!