8 Dec 2007

Reprogrammed on hope

When did I lost hope? I haven’t been such an pessimistic in my entire life like I do feel a while ago, is it a Syrian habit that you gain through years? Dunno
I realized… giving up on hope is killing every single potential of a change, a positive change, and I really don’t want to live in such a world
So I decided to hope again…
I got dressed, put on my mp3 and headed down the streets.
I walked through all that long streets, thinking how beautiful this rainy weather is and how naive are those people with umbrellas. I mean… what are they frightened of? Ruin their stylish hair? Their expensive suits or dresses?!.. I feel pity for them… they just don’t know how to enjoy the weather and celebrate the lushly sensation of a rain drop on the warm cheek or lip. apparently they never tasted the rain before…the zest of winter.
I kept walking trying to reprogram my brain to be more positive, it was resisting each time I see a miserable seen, and we have a lot…a lot.
But I kept reminding myself of a book I have read recently by Jan Paul when he said :“only weak people are those who got affected negatively by an annoying seen or sound ..etc”
Yes, I am really sensitive to these annoying sensations around me… I gotta strengthen my self, so I will keep cheering myself by bringing some cheerful stuff that are stored someplace in this brain above.
and instead of feeling disgusted and angry for the seen of an empty bottle on the street, why not to take a napkin and pick it up, put it in the trash?
And that apply for every thing… for the big things… big changes.
I will keep positive, I am sick of the hopeless state, and the hope will not just been thrown at me from heaven… I have to find it , or even create it.
It is a matter of perception, it is a matter of decision

And oh yeah! Today I went to the B-flat rock concert, even though my friends were late on me, and one of them was in really crabby mood :( but I didn’t let that bother me – a matter of decision-
And the band….Oh they rocked, they really did, It was refreshing…!

Cheers every one.


Maysaloon said...

Lak dakheelo al *crabby* ana :) shoo hal Syrian accent ya?

Dania said...

yes! she was in real crabby mood, and it is not a syrian accent!!!
cheers ;)

sasa said...

Let's spread your happiness across the world! I spend too much time trying to stop people being negative. God, it really makes me sad!! Only joking. But it's good that you've decided to make a difference :)

Dania said...

thank you Sasa... I know how hard it is to be surrounded by negative people!!
My country doesn’t need an other whiner…
cheers :D...

Anonymous said...

shou Wassim dakheel al rasasa yali lafet 3al zawye..azdi kou3..matkoon ente fayet bel kou3 kman..we will never change ,all what we care about is making fun of each other..you left everyting and the point of this article and made fun of her..we will never change because there are silly ppl like you.

Anonymous said...

I second you anonymous, I wished he was polite and made a comment not cheap mocking. I wish Mr. Philosophy would find good subjects to talk about other than his schooling. He thinks that we care too much for the smart man from Syria who is studying Philosophy. And yet, the worse is his non-stop comments every time he read a newspaper or magazine?

Maysaloon said...

Lak dakheelak inteh ya Anonymouse. Khaleek fite7 inte we yah eh?

At least I don't take myself too seriously like you and can take a joke.

Dania said...

Okay Guys!... I hate this way
wassim, anonymous -1 got a point that your comment was a little annoying and lost the point of the post but it is ok, I know you didnt mean that, and you meant no mocking, it was a jock...
beside crabby is what I meant, I am sure i didnt misspell it or something, if I was plz correct it for me ;).
anonymous 1,2 I wish you signed as your real names, you have something to say to him just say it but without using hurtful words

Anonymous said...

It was year ago when I had this conversation with Dania under the rain…
She shout to me \" Hey, don\'t tell me you wanna walk under the umbrella..\" . I simply answered her \" Sure .. I have just brought my jacket from the laundry.. I paid there one hundred!!\"
Dania said\" what are afraid of ?.. ummmm..I\'ll pay you one hundred if you agree to walk with me under the rain just for a while...Hey be cool.. feel the rain..\"
After her insistence, I put down my umbrella, and oh yeah I felt the rain.
Now I am sure no one can knows how good was that feeling to walk under the rain with someone like \"Dania\".
Maybe I did not speak about the hope which is your main idea, but for me the rain, the hope and you are the same..
Note: I still remember..you owe to me one hundred:)..How could I forget?

Dania said...

I'm so lucky to have you! and I do miss you a lot Ayka, you know this post is so much related to the...
"take off your sadness and your shoes", remember?
as for the 100, Do I even know you :o ??!