22 Jan 2008

God, give Gaza's people spider legs

A huge argument was raised lately whether that Palestinian’s few rockets pointed to Israel is the reason behind the last barbaric attack and blockading that was forced on Gaza by Israelis.

Olmert said that he had no intentions of letting Gazans "live comfortable and pleasant lives" until rocket attacks from the territory ceased.

"As far as I'm concerned, all the residents of Gaza can walk and have no fuel for their cars, because they have a murderous terrorist regime that doesn't allow people in the south of Israel to live in peace
," he said.

So those who ever claim that Palestinian rockets are the reason of this crisis, are indirectly assuming that Israel is defending itself.

and no need to say THEY ARE NOT!!

Meanwhile we are naively arguing who started what and who is responsible for this crisis…

More than 800,000 Palestinian is threatened of starvation for the next few weeks
With no clean water, Gazans are threatened by multiple fatal diseases
More than 150 Palestinian were savagely killed
And Gaza is now living in the Dark…

Lighting a candle for Gaza will not light the city… but sadly, helplessly that is all what we are capable of doing from here… so we can feel a little better...
Helpless infront TVs and Newspaper crying over Powerless in Gaza .

Muhamad al Maghout once said “God, give me the spider legs so me and the rest of eastern children hang from our homeland ceiling till this phase ends”

And I will gather friends, you do to

lets make it a national prayer
and ask them to pray “God, give all Gazans spider legs so they hang from the UN’s ceiling till this crisis ends”



Anonymous said...

I'm afraid God would be assassinated if he ever gave this wish to Gaza people.. I witnessed lots of assassinations against the good people.
I heard God was a rightist.

Anonymous said...

yeah, but something changed during all that time...
a new God appeared... and he is no rightist.