14 Oct 2008

Who is protecting the vulnerable? -1-

Illegal immigrants in the UK are targets for criminals and armed gangs, illegal immigrants have no rights, the state won't provide protection to the "illegals", inspite the fact that according to the UDHR, those "illegal" human beings must be guaranteed the very basic human rights, most importantly PROTECTION!


مترجم سوري said...

maybe we should first blame their governmet which pushed them to this situation,
secondly, what about their embassy? they should offer them what they need regardless of the reason they left their homes .

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the laws and decrees in this third world is the origin cause of the problem faced those guys in the post. I happen to read in Arabic the latest decree on this link:
And I found the information in the reasoning for the decree in the link is directly related to your article. There is an inside and outside forces affecting those people who risk even their lives to get to the west for food and decent living.

The exodus to the west is much easier and more perforated than to the one to the east.
The above link show you that the restriction, read excuse No 3 on page 2 of the decree, on labor and employment movements between the third world counties is mainly responsible for the exodus in one way. Old fashion and outdated custom restriction and laws are not helping in creating opportunities. Suppose these restrictions are not there, the movement of employment between counties alone will generate a dynamic that will flourish the whole area. The amount of money coming to the gulf and oil producing nations can generate humongous work load. But, still there are those regimes and their restricting regulations hindering improvement.
Human rights for person the story should start at his home. If you are valued at your home it will show and will reflect on you in Diaspora.

Dania said...

Regardless from who is to blame, it is who is responsible to protect them. We can't say they are their own county's responsibility and the host country is not responsible for offering protection or even pay enough efforts to secure their lives.
Those people are running away from a black horrible reality, they will not turn to their embassies, their embassies don’t even know they exist, even if they do know about them, those countries are considered among the weakest politically and economically and the least they care about is securing the rights for their citizens.

The reasons vary between economical, political to even personal reasons that force those people to flee their countries, solving these issues mean creating political, economical and social justice in these countries… it is not impossible as I believe it is possible and achievable; how ever, the British government – and all EU governments in general – must protect all individuals on its lands whether they were European citizens or illegal immigrants, and apply justice for every one.. Not treating them as humans from second degree and put them down on the priority of human rights

salam said...

I agree with you Dania.
If we see a poor child hungry in the street, and we have the ability to help him, we should not say his mother should help him first.
The British has the highest number of dogs living a luxury life many African children would not dream of having. The Americans created 4 million Iraqi refugees, and has only accepted a couple of thousands of them as refugees to their large rich country….
Just as the French ripped of Algeria and killed a million of its people, and the British women took bath in Indian women’s breast milk, and the Americans enslaved Africans, … they can afford to help some of these poor people today. THEY SHOULD