29 Dec 2008

Have You Say...Gaza

Can we just pause a little and get to business on line?
Don't be considerate not to disturb people with facts... What's happening in Gaza are facts, death toll is still rising, and it will keep rising... we're not seeking sympathy, we are seeking justice, keep this in your mind.
Send to CNN, BBC, Haaretz, the Guardian, the independent, ynetnews, israelnationalnews, the Jerusalem Post… Use the simplest media available, yahoo, Twitter… any thing available.

Israel is like a scared beast, mass killing Palestinians, read their comments, they are sickingly cheering and shamelessly encouraging the killings... their human instincts and values are twisted in the most barbaric sick way.

Livni is trying to get her people's support, don't allow her to.
use headlines like: Britain hardens position on Israel, as world calls for end to violence

up to 1,500 protesters against Israel's Gaza campaign gathered in a vociferous demonstration in London

Have you say...


Anonymous said...

I am not suggesting that mass killing is justified, but I wonder how would you (or I) would react to 8 years of constant bombing of your town from one of the most densly populated places on earth.
I think Hammas has played with the lifes of those poor palestinians that have been killed, If they would have stopped launching missles at Sderot and Ashkelon, Israel would never have attacked. Lets face it, in this part of the world nothing is black and white and you can never know who the real vilian is.

Dania said...

Look anonymous, before the rockets Israel was forcing a blockade in Gaza, causing the deaths of tens of Palestinians.. Israel didnt accept the Hamas's elected government and so tried to reverse the table on the resistence.
we are not seeking sympathy in here, it is justice.
Israel is hitting hospitals and Universities...Israel's targets are people in Gaza including Hamas, not just Hamas.

if I am to react at the rockets, I will search is history, I wont agree on killing people in my name, I would learn more and not be brain washed. then I will know for the fact that this is not my home, I will take my kids to their home, to live a safe happy life knowing that I wouldn't have to kill in order to survive.

read the history anonymous. the power is not with those who have F16s and support from the US, the power is with people who own the right, and in this case, Palestinians do.

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous ...
mate I don't know how this mess can be solved .... u know it's about rockets or defense ... it's (I think ) who gets this land ....?
m m m m .... but whose land is this anyway ???
I thought before 80 years there was nothing called Israel ...

Do u have any Idea about Pal conference in Swess where some ppl "I don't know how to describe them" decided to creat a homeland in somewhere and then the decission was Palestine ...

mate to be honest it was a good choice but , is it how it works ??? !

Mustafa said...

@Anonymous I am afraid we have here a kind of over simplification. If you try to find fixed starting point, we can go back in history as far as 1948 or even way before. Otherwise we will be simply ignoring history and current geopolitical situation (Hamas, Abbas, Syria, Egypt). And as @Dania said, the short term history is about cornering Hamas via boycott and Gaza blockade. I do think that Egypt's blockade was even an accelerating factor for violence and mutual aggression. You have to study some patterns in Israeli-Arab conflict especially when it comes to chapters: Israel vs militants organizations. Same scenario: Political cover, then major operation. UN + Europe call for calm. US: they have the right to defend. Arab Leaders: same tah-tah-hah (I can't find a word in English :). "People": either protesting OR accusing militants to stop attacks AND civilians continue to suffer.

@Jan you are right. The more I read in history I can't find any good answer to that question. But there is one lesson: Arab cover is the problem...

@Dania Voices should go here http://dostor.org/ar/images/stories/fffff.jpg but they don't listen...

Unknown said...

mass slaughter of the innocence israel must not forget ww2, i lived all my life in occupied Ireland, i am 40 years old, i am an Irish republican,for over 800 years the British have tried to conquer us, have not,can not,will not.We want to help the Palestinians.isreal stop killing our babies and children, stop killing our mothers.The Irish people throughout the world please make a stand against the Zionist, a stand against british [who supply the planes, the bombs, the rifles, the money,] a stand against the yanks[who supply the planes, the bombs, the rifles, the money,] and all the Arab nations who will not open their borders to the Palestinians..[Egypt]-

Unknown said...

palestine is Hamas! they are their only protectors, please help them, what can we in Ireland do to help. Babies are being murdered by israel as we speak, what can we do

Anonymous said...

The blockade of Gaza happened after 2005 Israeli withdrawal and Hamas continued firing rockets at Israel. The blockade was implemented to prevent Hamas from receiving arms, not to hurt the civilians. Hamas are using their citizens as sheields and hostages, and the Gaza citizens are so brainwashed, they believe the Hamas propaganda.

MJ said...

excuse me but who the fuck are you to say that Palestinians are brain washed?! are they brainwashed because they want to live in dignity, in peace and have self determination?! The Palestinian people democratically elected Hamas, and as a punishment they were put under siege, no food, medicine or power was supplied to 1.5 million palestinians.. how is that preventing hamas from getting weapons? It wasn't about weapons, it was about humiliating the Palestinian people so that they would turn against Hamas, when that didnt work out the Zionist mob decided to teach them a lesson by massacring the Palestinians.

The only people who are brainwashed are those like you who see oppression and injustice and then justify it in the most obnoxious, hideous ways. You are mentally disturbed.

to anonymous.