16 Aug 2012

Pre 3 km

So here it goes, as it’s been years since I actually sat and decided to put what’s on my mind with words. As my bag is on the floor next to my feet, my iPod is being charged with this laptop as I am preparing myself for my 3 km run in an attempt to shed the remaining fat, frustration and pain. I know what ever I’ll write will suck and I know my English and probably my Arabic will be rubbish but I have decided to get on back to blogging. I don’t know what the point is though, but does it have to have a point? Beside, what’s the point with anything that’s going on with my life recently? What’s the point with all my work from morning to night? What’s the point of those bullets being shot out of the helicopter over my roof? Back to blogging, it could be a good attempt to regain control back, the little bit I managed to keep from myself. I promise myself I will post this as soon as I and the electricity are back. Peace!

1 comment:

Strangenotze said...

I love your blog! check out mine? www.strangenotze.blogspot.com