16 Sept 2008

The conspiracy theory

Sketch 1-

Sitting with friends in the old city, chatting about different stuff when suddenly someone who is a friend of my friend said this intersting statement:
"well, in Quran it says the Palestinian case will not be solved till the Doom Day"
Me: "…………….. – weird face reaction-………………….."
"ask any shekh, ya3ny as long as Masonics keep controling the word, we –as Arabs- will never recover"
Me: "……………. – straight face-……………………………."

Sketch 2-

الله يهنيكون بهالعقل المتفتح و القدرة على التحليل.... يعني الله يخليلكون قرآنكون و نظرياتكون و شيوخكون الكرماء المنزلين رحمة من السماء
إيمتى رح تنفك هالعقد فيكون بقى؟
when will we be able to look inside reality rather than switching theories that victimize Arabs and Muslims?
It breaks my heart to see not a small percentage of Syrian youth getting involved with such idiotic theories without even bother to research or to look inside the fragile society that we live in?
NO… it is not the fuckin occupation, it is not Israel conspiracy, this is our conspiracy agaisnt ourselves.
و بخصوص الكرامة و الشعب العنيد.... شو؟


Maysaloon said...

السؤال هو, ماذا فعلت أنت لتدرسي المجتمع الذي من حولك. ألم يخطر في بالك أن تردي عليه, ولو على هذه المدونة, بشيء بدل من النقد من غير معنى أو سبب؟ أستغرب من سرعة البعض في نقد أول من يقول شيء عن القرآن أو الدين و هم أبعد من يكونو عن الفهم و العلم. ماذا تقدمين كبديل على ما قاله و هل هو فعلا أفضل؟

أسف لحدة كلامي و لكن لا يجوز للمرء أن يمشي بين الناس و يظن أنه يفهم أكثر منهم. ذلك في غاية التكبر و التعصب

Dania said...

Dear Wassim, I don’t understand why you got so defensive about it, I really don't respect the way you commented as in "و هم أبعد من يكونو عن الفهم و العلم" and I usually don’t even bother replying but I just want to make one thing clear… I respect all religions including Islam and what I meant by your Quran is the way those people analyze it and understand it creating their own version of it, and still they totally have the right to BUT,
I too have the right to be frustrated of this mentality, and I would really appreciate if you discused it rather than be so defensive this way and aggressive in your comment.
Plus you are asking me to give you a replacement to what he said? You mean a replacement of the ignorance his sheikh is telling him? Well, I don’t have cause when you don't have a cup you can't fill it with tea.

Anonymous said...

Dania, what you said is legit and it goes into conspiracy theory and I hope when you put ……….. I hope you did not fill these blanks with anything other than that weird face reaction. I think on the other hand you should recognize that conspiracy theory is easy and simple that can penetrate any mind.
You have your circle and audience and they will love the post, they might agree or disagree but for sure they will respect your thoughts and feeling. Lack of free exchange of ideas is the plaque taken your society to the abyss and creates stiff, rude population who do not know what argument mean and how to deal with other ideas.
However, the first commentator may have a point if he put it in a question not as an instruction to you. If I were you I only remove his comment and end of the story.

مترجم سوري said...

و انا استغرب لماذا اذاأصبح استغراب هذه التفاسير الجديدة لآيات القرآن التي تخرج على رأسنا كل يوم ، تهمة بقلة الفهم والعلم!!

Maysaloon said...

دانيا أنا لست أتهمك بالتحديد بقلة الفهم. و لكن أنت لم تثبتي لي, كقارئ, ان ما قاله هذا الرجل جهل أو تخلف. و ماذا لو كان في ما قاله شيخه أن فلسطين أرض الرباط. أنا نفسي سمعت هذا الحديث و سمعت غيره عن العراق. لم يخطر ببالي أن أنتقد, و لو للحظة ما يقوله لأنه فعلا اذا نظرنا للتاريخ فهذه البلاد تعاني من مصائب و أحتلال و مشاكل. يعني خلاصة الكلام, أين المشكلة في ما قاله الرجل؟ لو كنت تحترمي كل هذه الديانات و المعتقدات, لما كانت هذه مشكلة لك. و لكن أن يتكلم المرء حسب ما يؤمن به, فهذا يعتبر تخلف؟ أين الاحترام للآخر؟ يعني ماذا فعل لك شخصيا؟ طبعا يا دانيا أنا لا أرمي كلامي من غير سبب و لا أريد التهجم عليك, فقط النقد الصريح و للوجه.

أما عن مجهول فلا أفهم كيف يريد التواصل فطريقته عبارة عن "تمسيح جوخ" للآخر و لسيت حوار و نقاش حقيقي.

أما عن أمنية, يا أختي مين دعس على طرفك؟ أنا أستغرب أستغرابك بأستغرابي. من قال شيء عن تفسير جديد أو قديم للقرآن أو الأحاديث؟ يعني بدك الحديث يكون أجباري عن موضوع بدك ياه أنتي؟ أما حكي ولله!! :-)

مترجم سوري said...

vسيد وسيم : افترضت هبلا انك دعست عطرفي و رديت و هلأ افترضت مرة تانية فبتسمحلي أجيب ؟
أكيد أنت شخص حباب و هزيت براسك و سمحتلي.

أولا حسب ما قرأت بالتدوينة فهي عم تحكي عن شخص ينقل عن شيخ تفسير لآيات قرآنية. و دانية تستهجن هذا التفسير، و تعليقك كان استغرابك استهجان دانية لهذا التفسير دون أن يكون لديها حجة دينية على نفس المستوى ، و تعليقي استغراب لاستغرابك،أليسه؟ إلا أذا كنا ما عم نحكي عن نفس التدوينة!

تانيا حسب معلوماتي المتواضعة، ليس هناك آية في القرأن تتحدث عن القضية الفلسطينية ، أو يمكن في أية وانا ما بعرف،فممكن تنزلي ياها؟.

تالتا :هناك حديث عن الرسول يقول ان فلسطين ستظل أرض جهاد ليوم الدين.
المشكلة أن طريقة طرح تفاسير هذه الأحاديث متل واحد عم يقول للتاني: بلاش توجعو راسكون بقضايا الاحتلال والاستعمارات وما إلى ذلك ،بما أنو نازل بالقرآن و الأحاديث أن هذه الأرض رح ضل تنتقل من احتلال لاحتلال أو من وصاية لوصاية ، لحتى يوم الدين، فخلص يا جماعة الخير شيلو ايدكون و ريحو راسكون و أرضو بالمكتوب و حطو راسكون وناموا.يعني دخيل الله العرب ناقصهون مين يقلون : روحوا ناموا؟؟؟

رابعا: الشيء بالشيء يذكر:سمعان بشيخ اسمو عمرو خالد ؟
سمعان بالحديث الذي قام بأذاعته في أحد برامجه عن أصحاب أرض اسرائيل الأصليين واللي مسكوها الأسرائيليين و أذاعوها في القناة الأولى الاسرائيلية، قائلين " وشهد شاهد من أهلهم"؟.

خامسا تصبح على خير

مترجم سوري said...

بتعجبني كتير السياسة المتبعة من قبل المدونيين السوريين، .
بتترك تعليق لحدا ، يقابله صمت مطبق.


بنضلنا سوريين مو بايدنا!!

Dania said...

Anonymous, don’t worry when I put …….., I meant ……….., it wasn't full of words rather than expressions!
And I don't delete any comments cause they represent ideas that exisit as a fact, if I don’t disagree I discuss it till I feel this is not going any where.
And you are totally right, the theory is simple and easy to make, that is why it is dangerous to the minds of simple people who are seeking relief.

Omiah, I totally got your frustiration!

Wassim, my problem with this way of thinking is that it enforces the mentality of submition due to such religious "sayings".
I think the problem is bigger than this, the problem is with the way religion is used in this humilating way to control the minds of simple people who are searching for any relief, any thing that helps them to stand this unjust and the best way is by telling them that this is God's will… great drug to make them submit to the reality.
Religoius leaders use these " methods" consciously and unconsciously as they are victims as well to the weak structure of the society that is framed by religion; religions in general are so open to the elements of rumors, lies and theories and when that keep in the way the individual is living his life that is something but when it is used to encourage people to be isolated from the world and encourage the fear of the other and paranoia and enforce the submission mentality that is when I should not keep silent.

Maysaloon said...

Firstly let me apologise for replying in English as I have no Arabic text on my keyboard at the moment.

On your first point, the man Dania was talking of did not refer back to a Sheikh, he was generalising and he told her to ask "any Sheikh". There is a difference here. There is no "new" interpretation being offered for anything at all.

Secondly, I didn't say such a verse is in the Qur'an. I don't know why you are saying that I did.

Thirdly, I think what you say about the hadith of Palestine as the land of jihad till "yowm al din" really tells us more about how you see Jihad rather than what it actually means. I've never heard such a depressed and fatalistic understanding of it and that's certainly not what is intended when people refer to it.

Fourthly, I hardly watch television and I certainly don't have time to watch televangelists. People say all sorts of things but what is your point?

The only thing I criticise in both Dania's post and also in your comments is the vast generalisations and assumptions that you make without thinking through what it is you are saying. This leads you to stay silent about real problems and waste your time criticising issues that really aren't. This is something endemic to many Syrian bloggers and I guess it's because many still haven't been able to get past the confusion of teenage rebellion so they then project this into activism and politics with disastrous results.

Dania said...

Wassim, I have the right to refuse and disagree with your believes and thoughts without you calling me immature.
Thank you!

مترجم سوري said...

i can't add anything to what Dania has said . she has made it more than clear. i believe she's totally right.


it would have been easier if the guy has referred to one shiekh , but to say " go and ask any shiekh" this is a disaster.. do u imagine every shiekh repeating this same statemnt in the mosques?do u imagine how many youths are hearing this and to how many are delivering it?
and YES there is a new wave of interpretaion emerging concerning the palastinian issue. it's exactly how Dania has put it.
i think it's coz u not living in this area, and watching Tv u not following everything.

secondly, no u didn't say anything about such a verse. but the guy is talking about quran not hadieth, and u asked (ماذا تقدمين كبديل على ما قاله و هل هو فعلا أفضل؟)

عفواكيف ستقوم بتقدم بديل على شيء غير موجود أصلا؟

thirdly, belive it or not, the way me and Dania has put the understanding of this hadieth is the way people are getting it. even if they not saying it , this is the way they are understanding it. the problem is not with hadieth, the problem is with the whole metality of arabs .

this is not a simple issue at all: i don't think to spread among youths from trustworthy establishments such as mosques and from (شيوخ)'s mouths that the Palastian will remain like this till the doom day no matter what u do, backing it up with verses from quraan and hadieth, is not as serious as the problen you "wish" us to criticise.
it's like not only our governments are holding the people back from getting invlove in this issue, they are also presenting another yet more serious figure , which is Allah relaxing them about Palastine, too.
