12 Sept 2009

Peace of Mind

هل لديك الصبر لتنتظر؟
حتى يستقر الوحل و يصفو الماء؟
هل يمكنك أن تظل بلا حراك؟

This feeling of silence, as holly as his smile and as quiet as the corner stone which is smiling boldly at all passing creatures...
I walk along the wall, covered with jasmine yet to be born, traffic lights change within restricted colours, and I breathe all the dust in and all the heat.
Car lights suck in all the colours of a dying summer.
I’m so damn stable and settled down, my brain is senseless and so is the noise.
I try to sleep but fail to close an eye
I try to feel but feelings are blocked outside
Peace, ugly peace, silent peace of mind, damn peace of mind..

Waiting for this ugly phase to pass, I am creating new ways to tie my shoes got new colorful ties for all my old converses, listening to PF and waiting...

1 comment:

KJ said...

looking for creative ways to tie your shoes...

love it