29 Dec 2008

Have You Say...Gaza

Can we just pause a little and get to business on line?
Don't be considerate not to disturb people with facts... What's happening in Gaza are facts, death toll is still rising, and it will keep rising... we're not seeking sympathy, we are seeking justice, keep this in your mind.
Send to CNN, BBC, Haaretz, the Guardian, the independent, ynetnews, israelnationalnews, the Jerusalem Post… Use the simplest media available, yahoo, Twitter… any thing available.

Israel is like a scared beast, mass killing Palestinians, read their comments, they are sickingly cheering and shamelessly encouraging the killings... their human instincts and values are twisted in the most barbaric sick way.

Livni is trying to get her people's support, don't allow her to.
use headlines like: Britain hardens position on Israel, as world calls for end to violence

up to 1,500 protesters against Israel's Gaza campaign gathered in a vociferous demonstration in London

Have you say...

26 Dec 2008

Chaos can only be good

Believing in chaos

But questioning the efficiency

I should not

But I am


The noise didn’t stop
I am sick of it

"Rajaz", "shout"… listening to the same music I did

when Driving at night along a dark road

Years ago

When I started questioning God
when I gained all my adictions

It doesn’t matter now
The clouds don’t cheer me up any more
Chaos… Hope
it's exotic
My shoes are still untied
it is alright now
shhhh...no panic

Chaos is good...

21 Dec 2008

Their lives are not BILLS TO PAY you idiot!!!

So the ceasefire in Gaza has ended, well …it wasn't a ceasefire in the first place, Israel was and still causing the death of tens of Palestinian through the blockage…!
But now, I'm holding my breath and closing my eyes, waiting to hear the screams of tens of crying mothers and panicked children… ambulances and shouting on the megaphones… I'm afraid to open the TV to watch the news…

An idiot called Aljazeerah last night to give his opinion on "manbar Aljazeerah" and said:
" there shouldn’t be a ceasefire in the first place"
And when the presenter asked him "don't you think it's easier for those who are NOT under the bombs to say so than those who are threatened and are suffering every day?"
The intelligent idiot replied "ya akhi al kareem- dear brother", every thing has a BILL, and those people are WILLING TO DIE, it’s a bill they have to pay "….
How the fuck would you say on behalf of millions if they are willing to die, why don’t you move your fat ass and try to join them and give your life to pay the BILL?!

Their lives are not BILLS waiting to be paid!! When will we be able to look at our people as humans and individuals rather than considering them organs of "Arabism and religions"?

19 Dec 2008

Volunteer with us for a greener Damascus (Fri 26/Dec)

We will meet at the bus station (jisr al rayes) at 9:30 am
And then either leaving for one place of different places, depend on the number.
The focus area will be "Midan" streets and gardens.
• Please bring your own drinking water
• And bring your friends!

Aims of this activity:
- promote sense of responsibility and ownership among participants.
- Encouraging participants to carry on their own volunteering projects.
- try to clean green areas as much as we can, focusing attention on "Plastic wastes"
Note: please confirm if you are planning to volunteer so I can plan the activity better knowing the number of volunteers :)
Very important note: this activity is completely independent from any NOGs or any other organization, just punch of people willing to do some volunteering in Friday 27th Dec.

اللقاء: في كراج جسر الرئيس الساعة التاسعة و النصف صباحا يوم الجمعة 26 كانون الأول
المغادرة إلى عدة مناطق في دمشق أو لمنطقة واحدة تبعا لعدد المتطوعين
نقطة التركيز "الميدان" و ما حولها
• الرجاء إحضار ماء للإستعمال الشخصي
• و أصدقائك إن أمكن!

أهداف النشاط: - تشجيع حس المسؤولية بين المتطوعين
- تشجيع المتطوعين على المبادرة الفردية لخلق مشاريع تطوعية
- محاولة تنظيف الساحات الخضراء (حدائق, أماكن مهملة...) و التركيز على إزالة النفايات البلاستيكية.
ملاحظة صغيرة: أنا بحاجة لمعرفة عدد المتطوعين فرجاء في حال أرت التطوع تأكيد ذلك :)
ملاحظة تانية (مو صغيرة...كبيرة): هذا النشاط نابع من مبادرة شخصية و ليس تابع لأي منظمة أو جمعية , بس ناس حابة تعمل شي مفيد يوم الجمعة 26 كانون الأول.

Be there or be Square!

17 Dec 2008

Things to Worry About

It did set things right, it took only flying shoes to get all these people in action against the US crimes in Iraq finally;

"Let me second the call. Do not listen to know-nothings calling this man an "ingrate" for not appreciating American sacrifice. That's nonsense. We have invaded this country under false pretenses, killed hundreds of thousands, displaced millions, allowed 70% to live without access to water or electricity, and brought a once-great society to rubble. It is perfectly human to feel frustration and rage.
And if you refuse to open your mind enough to think of that, think about Baghdad on fire for the last month of your Presidency. Think about security gains lost. I'd ask you to think about the dead, but you won't, so think about your

It was a great moment, it felt so good watching the news over and over and over.
But… people, this is no victory, please stop calingl it victory... then this will underestimate the lives of those who were killed because of Bush's crimes and genocides. Please don’t make it like he has taken what he deserves while what he deserves is not only a public humiliation, but a public trial.
Millions of victims between those who lost their lives, who lost their loved ones or their secure homes are worthy of better justice.

We all should be calling for Bush to stand before the international criminal court for all the war crimes, fake reports, crimes against humanity and the violations for the international Humanitarian law… he should not enjoy the "normal quiet happy life" that Laura is planning for her husband to have.

Moreover, and more importantly, we all should be concerned about the condition of Muntader. His brother and many other officials reported that he suffers broken arm, broken rips and internal bleeding, we all heard his screams in front of the cameras, not to forget to mention that he was declined the right to be given access to a legal representative. Can you imagine what kinds of torture he is going under right now? under Al Rubaie/AL Maliki's system and US militia that is considered as an expert in torturing profession?

This is something that we should worry about more than celebrating the flying shoes, we will celebrate it more with Muntader is in between us rather than celebrating it with him going under torture, cause then, it will only mean that we are again a punch of cheerleaders with no concerns of the Human value.

1 Dec 2008

Destructive anger

I'm filled with anger, deep rooted anger, anger for all those who are too busy burying their loved ones to feel angry, or even to feel…angry at all this fuckin mess that doesn’t make any sense, if there is a God then he should taste all the suffering he is putting human under, it's shit, it's horrible, its crazy, it's dark and it's so fucking painful...

I don’t know why I'm writing this shit here, I don’t know what I should do to release that anger, it can't be productive, I'm in such deep pain that beyond doing any thing constructive.

I will go for a walk...