by: Ellia Abu Madi
جئت، لا أعلم من أين، ولكنّي أتيت
ولقد أبصرت قدّامي طريقا فمشيت
وسأبقى ماشيا إن شئت هذا أم أبيت
كيف جئت؟ كيف أبصرت طريقي؟
لست أدري!
أجديد أم قديم أنا في هذا الوجود
هل أنا حرّ طليق أم أسير في قيود
هل أنا قائد نفسي في حياتي أم مقود
أتمنّى أنّني أدري ولكن...
لست أدري!
وطريقي، ما طريقي؟ أطويل أم قصير؟
هل أنا أصعد أم أهبط فيه وأغور
أأنا السّائر في الدّرب أم الدّرب يسير
أم كلاّنا واقف والدّهر يجري؟
لست أدري!
ليت شعري وأنا عالم الغيب الأمين
أتراني كنت أدري أنّني فيه دفين
وبأنّي سوف أبدو وبأنّي سأكون
أم تراني كنت لا أدرك شيئا؟
لست أدري!
أتراني قبلما أصبحت إنسانا سويّا
أتراني كنت محوا أم تراني كنت شيّا
ألهذا اللّغو حلّ أم سيبقى أبديّا
لست أدري... ولماذا لست أدري؟
لست أدري!
قد سألت البحر يوما هل أنا يا بحر منكا؟
هل صحيح ما رواه بعضهم عني وعنكا؟
أم ترى ما زعموا زوار وبهتانا وإفكا؟
ضحكت أمواجه مني وقالت:
لست أدري!
أيّها البحر، أتدري كم مضت ألف عليكا
وهل الشّاطىء يدري أنّه جاث لديكا
وهل الأنهار تدري أنّها منك إليكا
ما الذّي الأمواج قالت حين ثارت؟
لست أدري!
أنت يا بحر أسير آه ما أعظم أسرك
أنت مثلي أيّها الجبار لا تملك أمرك
أشبهت حالك حالي وحكى عذري عذرك
فمتى أنجو من الأسر وتنجو؟ ..
لست أدري!
ترسل السّحب فتسقي أرضنا والشّجرا
قد أكلناك وقلنا قد أكلنا الثّمرا
وشربناك وقلنا قد شربنا المطرا
أصواب ما زعمنا أم ضلال؟
لست أدري!
قد سألت السّحب في الآفاق هل تذكر رملك
وسألت الشّجر المورق هل يعرف فضلك
وسألت الدّر في الأعناق هل تذكر أصلك
وكأنّي خلتها قالت جميعا:
لست أدري!
برفض الموج وفي قاعك حرب لن تزولا
تخلق الأسماك لكن تخلق الحوت الأكولا
قد جمعت الموت في صدرك والعيش الجميلا
ليت شعري أنت مهد أم ضريح؟..
لست أدري!
كم فتاة مثل ليلى وفتى كأبن الملوح
أنفقا السّاعات في الشّاطىء ، تشكو وهو يشرح
كلّما حدّث أصغت وإذا قالت ترنّح
أخفيف الموج سرّ ضيّعاه؟..
لست أدري!
كم ملوك ضربوا حولك في اللّيل القبابا
طلع الصّبح ولكن لم نجد إلاّ الضّبابا
ألهم يا بحر يوما رجعة أم لا مآبا
أم هم في الرّمل ؟ قال الرّمل إني...
لست أدري!
إنّ في صدري، يا بحر لأسرار عجابا
نزل السّتر عليها وأنا كنت الحجابا
ولذا أزداد بعدا كلّما أزددت اقترابا
وأراني كلّما أوشكت أدري...
لست أدري!
إنّني ،يا بحر، بحر شاطئاه شاطئاكا
الغد المجهول والأمس اللّذان اكتنفاكا
وكلانا قطرة ، يا بحر، في هذا وذاك
لا تسلني ما غد، ما أمس؟.. إني...
لست أدري!
قيل لي فيالدّير قوم أدركوا سرّ الحياة
غير أنّي لم أجد غير عقول آسنات
وقلوب بليت فيها المنى فهي رفات
ما أنا أعمى فهل غيري أعمى؟..
لست أدري!
قيل أدري النّاس بالأسرار سكّان الصوامع
قلت إن صحّ الذي قالوا السرّ شائع
عجبا كيف ترى الشّمس عيون في البراقع
والتي لم تتبرقع لا تراها؟..
لست أدري!
إن تك العزلة نسكا وتقى فالذّئب راهب
وعرين اللّيث دير حبّه فرض وواجب
ليت شعري أيميت النّسك أم يحيي المواهب
كيف يمحو النّسك إثما وهو إثم؟..
لست أدري!
قد دخلت الدّير عند الفجر كالفجر الطّروب
وتركت الدّير عند اللّيل كاللّيل الغضوب
كان في نفسي كرب، صار في نفسي كروب
أمن الدّير أم اللّيل اكتئابي؟
لست أدري!
قد دخلت الدّير استنطق فيه الناسكينا
فإذا القوم من الحيرة مثلي باهتونا
غلب اليأس عليهم ، فهم مستسلمونا
وإذا بالباب مكتوب عليه...
لست أدري!
عجبا للنّاسك القانت وهو اللّوذعي
هجر النّاس وفيهم كلّ حسن المبدع
وغدا يبحث عنه المكان البلقع
أرأى في القفر ماء أم سرابا؟..
لست أدري!
كم تمارى ، أيّها النّاسك، في الحق الصّريح
لو أراد اللّه أن لا تشق الشّيء المليح
كان إذ سوّاك بلا عقل وروح
فالّذي تفعل إثم ... قال إني ...
لست أدري!
أيّها الهارب إنّ العار في هذا الفرار
لا صلاح في الّذي تفعل حتّى للقفار
أنت جان أيّ جان ، قاتل في غير ثار
أفيرضى اللّه عن هذا ويعفو ؟..
لست أدري!
بين المقابر:
ولقد قلت لنفسي، وأنا بين المقابر
هل رأيت الأمن والرّاحة إلاّ في الحفائر؟
فأشارت : فإذا للدّود عيث في المحاجر
ثم قالت :أيّها السّائل إني...
لست أدري!
أنظري كيف تساوى الكلّ في هذا المكان
وتلاشى في بقايا العبد ربّ الصّولجان
والتقى العشق والقالي فما يفترقان
أفبذا منتهى العدل؟ فقالت ...
لست أدري!
إنّ يك الموت قصاصا، أيّ ذنب للطّهاره
وإذا كان ثوابا، أيّ فضل للدعاره
وإذا كان يوما وما فيه جزاء أو جساره
فلم الأسماء إثم أو صلاح؟.. لست أدري!
أيّها القبر تكلّم، واخبرني يا رمام
هل طوى أحلامك الموت وهل مات الغرام
من هو المائت من عام ومن مليون عام
أبصير الوقت في الأرماس محوا؟..
لست أدري!
إن يك الموت رقادا بعده صحو طويل
فلماذا ليس يبقى صحونا هذا الجميل؟
ولماذا المرء لا يدري متى وقت الرّحيل؟
ومتى ينكشف السّرّ فيدري؟..
لست أدري!
إن يك الموت هجوعا يملأ النّفس سلاما
وانعتاقا لا اعتقالا وابتدا لا ختاما
فلماذا أعشق النّوم ولا أهوى الحماما
ولماذا تجزع الأرواح منه؟..
لست أدري!
أوراء القبر بعد الموت بعث ونشور
فحياة فخلود أم فتاء ودثور
أكلام النّاس صدق أم كلام الناس زور
أصحيح أنّ بعض الناس يدري؟..
لست أدري!
إن أكن أبعث بعد الموت جثمانا وعقلا
أترى أبعث بعضا أم ترى أبعث كلاّ
أترى أبعث طفلا أم ترى أبعث كهلا
ثمّ هل أعرف بعد الموت ذاتي؟..
لست أدري!
يا صديقي، لا تعللّني بتمزيق السّتور
بعدما أقضي فعقلي لا يبالي بالقشور
إن أكن في حالة الإدراك لا أدري مصيري
كيف أدري بعدما أفقد رشدي...
لست أدري!
القصر والكوخ:
ولقد أبصرت قصرا شاهقا عالي القباب
قلت ما شادك من شادك إلاّ للخراب
أنت جزء منه لكن لست تدري كيف غاب
وهو لا يعلم ما تحوي؛ أيدري؟..
لست أدري!
يا مثالا كان وهما قبلما شاء البناة
أنت فكر من دماغ غيّبته الظلمات
أنت أمنية قلب أكلته الحشرات
أنت بانيك الّذي شادك لا ... لا...
لست أدري!
كم قصور خالها الباني ستبقى وتدوم
ثابتات كالرّواسي خالدات كالنّجوم
سحب الدّهر عليها ذيله فهي رسوم
مالنا نبني وما نبني لهدم؟..
لست أدري!
لم أجد في القصر شيئا ليس في الكوخ المهين
أنا في هذا وهذا عبد شك ويقين
وسجين الخالدين اللّيل والصّبح المبين
هل أنا في القصر أم في الكوخ أرقى؟
لست أدري!
ليس في الكوخ ولا في القصر من نفسي مهرب
أنّني أرجو وأخشى، إنّني أرضى وأغضب
كان ثوبي من حرير مذهب أو كان قنّب
فلماذا يتمنّى الثوب عاري؟..
لست أدري!
سائل الفجر: أعند الفجر طين ورخام؟
واسأل القصر ألا يخفيه، كالكوخ، الظّلام
واسأل الأنجم والرّيح وسل صوب الغمام
أترى الشّيء كما نحن نراه؟..
لست أدري!
ربّ فكر لاح في لوحة نفسي وتجلّى
خلته منّي ولكن لم يقم حتّى تولّى
مثل طيف لاح في بئر قليلا واضمحّلا
كيف وافى ولماذا فرّ منّي؟
لست أدري!
أتراه سابحا في الأرض من نفس لأخرى
رابه مني أمر فأبى أن يستقرّا
أم تراه سرّ في نفسي كما أعبر جسرا
هل رأته قبل نفسي غير نفسي؟
أم تراه بارقا حينا وتوارى
أم تراه كان مثل الطير في سجن فطارا
أم تراه انحلّ كالموجة في نفسي وغارا
فأنا أبحث عنه وهو فيها،
لست أدري!
صراع وعراك:
إنّني أشهد في نفسي صراعا وعراكا
وأرى ذاتي شيطانا وأحيانا ملاكا
هل أنا شخصان يأبى هذا مع ذاك اشتراكا
أم تراني واهما فيما أراه؟
لست أدري!
بينما قلبي يحكي في الضّحى إحدى الخمائل
فيه أزهار وأطيار تغني وجداول
أقبل العصر فأسى موحشا كالقفر قاحل
كيف صار القلب روضا ثمّ قفرا؟
لست أدري1
أين ضحكي وبكائي وأنا طفل صغير
أين جهلي ومراحي وأنا غضّ غرير
أين أحلامي وكانت كيفما سرت تسير
كلّها ضاعت ولكن كيف ضاعت؟
لست أدري!
لي إيمان ولكن لا كأيماني ونسكي
إنّني أبكي ولكن لا كما قد كنت أبكي
وأنا أضحك أحيانا ولكن أيّ ضحك
ليت شعري ما الذي بدّل أمري؟
لست أدري!
كلّ يوم لي شأن ، كلّ حين لي شعور
هل أنا اليوم أنا منذ ليال وشهور
أم أنا عند غروب الشمس غيري في البكور
كلّما ساءلت نفسي جاوبتني:
لست أدري!
ربّ أمر كنت لّما كان عندي أتّقيه
بتّ لّما غاب عنّي وتوارى أشتهيه
ما الّذي حبّبه عندي وما بغّضنيه
أأنا الشّخص الّذي أعرض عنه؟
لست أدري!
ربّ شخص عشت معه زمناألهو وأمرح
أو مكان مرّ دهر لي مسرى ومسرح
لاح لي في البعد أجلى منه في القرب وأوضح
كيف يبقى رسم شيء قد توارى؟
لست أدري!
إنّ هذا الغيث يهمي حين يهمي
ويكون السّمّ في العطر الّذي يملأ أنفي
إنّما الورد هو الأفضل في شرعي وعرفي
وهو شرع كلّه ظلم ولكن ...
لست أدري!
قد رأيت الشّهب لا تدري لماذا تشرق
ورأيت السّحب لا تدري لماذا تغدق
ورأيت الغاب لا تدري لماذا تورق
فلماذا كلّها في الجهل مثلي ؟
لست أدري!
كلّما أيقنت أني قد أمطت السّتر عني
وبلغت السّر سرّي ضحكت نفسي مني
قد وجدت اليأس والحيرة لكن لم أجدني
فهل الجهل نعيم أم جحيم؟
لست أدري!
لذة عندي أن أسمع تغريد البلابل
وحفيف الورق الأخضر أو همس الجداول
وأرى الأنجم في الظلّماء تبدو كالمشاعل
أترى منها أم اللّذة منّي...
لست أدري!
أتراني كنت يوما نغما في وتر
أم تراني كنت قبلا موجة في نهر
أم تراني كنت في إحدى النّجوم الزّهر
أم أريجا ، أم حفيفا ، أم نسما؟
لست أدري!
فيّ مثل البحر أصداف ورمل ولآل
في كالأرض مروج وسفوح وجبال
فيّ كالجو نجوم وغيوم وظلال
هل أنا بحر وأرض وسماء؟
لست أدري!
من شرابي الشّهد والخمرة والماء الزّلال
من طعامي البقل والأثمارواللّحم الحلال
كم كيان قد تلاشى في كياني واستحال
كم كيان فيه شيء من كياني؟
لست أدري!
قد رأيت النّمل يسعى مثلما أسعى لرزقي
وله في العيش أوطار وحق مثل حقي
قد تساوى صمته في نظر الدّهر ونطقي
فكلانا صائر يوما إلى ما ...
لست أدري!
غلط القائل إنّ الخمر بنت الخابيه
فهي قبل الزق كانت في عروق الدّاليه
وحواها قبل رحن الكرم رحم الغاديه
إنّما من قبل هذا أين كانت؟
لست أدري!
هي في رأي فكر ، وهي في عينّي نور
وهي في صدري آمال ، فوفي قلبي شعور
وهي في جسمي دم يسري فيه ويمور
إنّما من قبل هذا كيف كانت؟
لست أدري
أنا لا أذكر شيئا من حياتي الماضية
أنا لا أعرف شيئا من ياتي الآتيه
لي ذات غير أني لست لأدري ما هيه
فمتى تعرف ذاتي كنه ذاتي؟
لست أدري!
إنّني جئت وأمضي وأنا لا أعلم
أنا لغز ... وذهابي كمجيتي طلسم
والّذي أوجد هذا اللّغز لغز منهم
لا تجادل ذا الحجا من قال إنّي ...
لست أدري!
this poem by Ellia Abu Madi helped me to accept that "I dont know" is the knowing itself.
helped me through one of the worst yet greatest period of my life...
when I felt the most vulnerable cause I didnt know
when I kept myself locked in my room, surrounded by tens of books to realize him
looking for him... searching every word... sleepless nights trying to connect with him.
a friend sent me this poem...
and it helped me realize that it is unrealizable and making your own theory is the best way to realize it your own way.
I know few people will understand what I mean, those few went through this all...
30 Jan 2008
27 Jan 2008
Red light…
I sensed the infection yesterday…:(
I usually make a flu set whenever I feel about to get sick.
2 boxes of handkerchiefs
Amoxil 500
Panadole flue
Vitamin C + calcium
Chicken soup
And a nice book to keep me company
I wasn’t a drug fan … I used to be one of those who believed that drugs are for babies, and I used to take it like a girl and fought the flu naturally in order for my immune system to get stronger.
Well friends, I now believe that how ever you tried, if you are stressed physically or emotionally … no matter how you tried, your immune system will be weakened.
And send you a message to slow down…
So yeah… I will have the day off and rest
And enjoy my drugged- treated- flu.
I sensed the infection yesterday…:(
I usually make a flu set whenever I feel about to get sick.
2 boxes of handkerchiefs
Amoxil 500
Panadole flue
Vitamin C + calcium
Chicken soup
And a nice book to keep me company
I wasn’t a drug fan … I used to be one of those who believed that drugs are for babies, and I used to take it like a girl and fought the flu naturally in order for my immune system to get stronger.
Well friends, I now believe that how ever you tried, if you are stressed physically or emotionally … no matter how you tried, your immune system will be weakened.
And send you a message to slow down…
So yeah… I will have the day off and rest
And enjoy my drugged- treated- flu.
22 Jan 2008
God, give Gaza's people spider legs
A huge argument was raised lately whether that Palestinian’s few rockets pointed to Israel is the reason behind the last barbaric attack and blockading that was forced on Gaza by Israelis.
Olmert said that he had no intentions of letting Gazans "live comfortable and pleasant lives" until rocket attacks from the territory ceased.
"As far as I'm concerned, all the residents of Gaza can walk and have no fuel for their cars, because they have a murderous terrorist regime that doesn't allow people in the south of Israel to live in peace," he said.
So those who ever claim that Palestinian rockets are the reason of this crisis, are indirectly assuming that Israel is defending itself.
and no need to say THEY ARE NOT!!
Meanwhile we are naively arguing who started what and who is responsible for this crisis…
More than 800,000 Palestinian is threatened of starvation for the next few weeks
With no clean water, Gazans are threatened by multiple fatal diseases
More than 150 Palestinian were savagely killed
And Gaza is now living in the Dark…
Lighting a candle for Gaza will not light the city… but sadly, helplessly that is all what we are capable of doing from here… so we can feel a little better...
Helpless infront TVs and Newspaper crying over Powerless in Gaza .
Muhamad al Maghout once said “God, give me the spider legs so me and the rest of eastern children hang from our homeland ceiling till this phase ends”
And I will gather friends, you do to
lets make it a national prayer
and ask them to pray “God, give all Gazans spider legs so they hang from the UN’s ceiling till this crisis ends”
Olmert said that he had no intentions of letting Gazans "live comfortable and pleasant lives" until rocket attacks from the territory ceased.
"As far as I'm concerned, all the residents of Gaza can walk and have no fuel for their cars, because they have a murderous terrorist regime that doesn't allow people in the south of Israel to live in peace," he said.
So those who ever claim that Palestinian rockets are the reason of this crisis, are indirectly assuming that Israel is defending itself.
and no need to say THEY ARE NOT!!
Meanwhile we are naively arguing who started what and who is responsible for this crisis…
More than 800,000 Palestinian is threatened of starvation for the next few weeks
With no clean water, Gazans are threatened by multiple fatal diseases
More than 150 Palestinian were savagely killed
And Gaza is now living in the Dark…
Lighting a candle for Gaza will not light the city… but sadly, helplessly that is all what we are capable of doing from here… so we can feel a little better...
Helpless infront TVs and Newspaper crying over Powerless in Gaza .
Muhamad al Maghout once said “God, give me the spider legs so me and the rest of eastern children hang from our homeland ceiling till this phase ends”
And I will gather friends, you do to
lets make it a national prayer
and ask them to pray “God, give all Gazans spider legs so they hang from the UN’s ceiling till this crisis ends”
21 Jan 2008
A great start of the morning
Wake up at 5, brush your teeth, put sweats on and go jogging for one hour…
Go home, have a shower and head to work, college, or what ever you have to do.
I am not a morning person… my mornings usually give the people who live with me the creep… bad mood, unwilling to talk till finishing coffee and with the last sip is when I wake up and be back to normal.
I am not an “athletic” person, in fact, I never lasted in a gym or a team more than few months (caused my high school basket team a big lost in the finals when I missed the last shot)
But yet
I had to change the way I feel in the morning..
I wanted to go biking but there are no places for bickers here in Damascus…
So I chose jogging… and it was GREAT!!
I can start with a million reason why jogging is good to your health, but I don’t care… all I care is that I felt good… relaxed… awake… and with no guilt of having a chocolate croissant with my coffee ;)
Cheers all
Go home, have a shower and head to work, college, or what ever you have to do.
I am not a morning person… my mornings usually give the people who live with me the creep… bad mood, unwilling to talk till finishing coffee and with the last sip is when I wake up and be back to normal.
I am not an “athletic” person, in fact, I never lasted in a gym or a team more than few months (caused my high school basket team a big lost in the finals when I missed the last shot)
But yet
I had to change the way I feel in the morning..
I wanted to go biking but there are no places for bickers here in Damascus…
So I chose jogging… and it was GREAT!!
I can start with a million reason why jogging is good to your health, but I don’t care… all I care is that I felt good… relaxed… awake… and with no guilt of having a chocolate croissant with my coffee ;)
Cheers all
18 Jan 2008
Chaos Theory, chaotic life
chaos is the description of the complicated natural phenomenon..
and in mathematics describe the complicated behavior of nonlinear systems..
I am so overwhelmed with chaos, I guess every one will agree that every thing in life follow the law of chaos … the movement of a fluid is either unstable or not; the heart beats regularly but sometimes goes into a fibrillation; the weather blows hot or cold.
Chaos opens up the possibilities
I'm sure every one have heard of the Butterfly effect
“The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different.
" Lorenz
And this is the beginning of the great discovery of the theory of chaos
Those who are against chaos don’t realize the fact that there is an order hidden in chaos…
This is what chaos theory is all about…look at this fractal equations that is known as the Mandelbrot set:
zn+1 = zn2 + c
*c is the number being evaluated, and z is a sequence of numbers (z0, z1, z2, z3…) generated by the formula. The first number z0 is set to zero; the other numbers will depend on the value of c. If the sequence of zn stays small (zn ≤ 2 for all n), c is then classified as being part of the Mandelbrot set. For example, let’s evaluate the point c = 1. Then the sequence of zn is 0, 1, 2, 5, 26, 677… . Clearly this sequence is not staying small, so the number 1 is not part of the Mandelbrot set.
Now, how exactly this set in turned into this photo
Here is a link that might help
I didn’t understand it totally yet, it needs time which I don’t have :(
The human heart also has a chaotic pattern. The time between beats does not remain constant; it depends on how much activity a person is doing, among other things. Under certain conditions, the heartbeat can speed up. Under different conditions, the heart beats erratically. It might even be called a chaotic heartbeat. The analysis of a heartbeat can help medical researchers find ways to put an abnormal heartbeat back into a steady state, instead of uncontrolled chaos.
Annnd MUSIC!
yes Music...
Music can be created using fractals as well.
Using the Lorenz attractor, Diana S. Dabby, a graduate student in electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has created variations of musical themes. ("Bach to Chaos: Chaotic Variations on a Classical Theme", Science News, Dec. 24, 1994) By associating the musical notes of a piece of music like Bach's Prelude in C with the x coordinates of the Lorenz attractor, and running a computer program, she has created variations of the theme of the song. Most musicians who hear the new sounds believe that the variations are very musical and creative
this is just Amazing..
chaos is the art of creation...
and people wonder why I am so obssessed with choas!
people need to get lost in Mandelbrot set for a while… zooming in and out to appreciate the art and the greatness of chaos
and in mathematics describe the complicated behavior of nonlinear systems..
I am so overwhelmed with chaos, I guess every one will agree that every thing in life follow the law of chaos … the movement of a fluid is either unstable or not; the heart beats regularly but sometimes goes into a fibrillation; the weather blows hot or cold.
Chaos opens up the possibilities
I'm sure every one have heard of the Butterfly effect
“The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different.
" Lorenz
And this is the beginning of the great discovery of the theory of chaos
Those who are against chaos don’t realize the fact that there is an order hidden in chaos…
This is what chaos theory is all about…look at this fractal equations that is known as the Mandelbrot set:
zn+1 = zn2 + c
*c is the number being evaluated, and z is a sequence of numbers (z0, z1, z2, z3…) generated by the formula. The first number z0 is set to zero; the other numbers will depend on the value of c. If the sequence of zn stays small (zn ≤ 2 for all n), c is then classified as being part of the Mandelbrot set. For example, let’s evaluate the point c = 1. Then the sequence of zn is 0, 1, 2, 5, 26, 677… . Clearly this sequence is not staying small, so the number 1 is not part of the Mandelbrot set.
Now, how exactly this set in turned into this photo
Here is a link that might help
I didn’t understand it totally yet, it needs time which I don’t have :(
The human heart also has a chaotic pattern. The time between beats does not remain constant; it depends on how much activity a person is doing, among other things. Under certain conditions, the heartbeat can speed up. Under different conditions, the heart beats erratically. It might even be called a chaotic heartbeat. The analysis of a heartbeat can help medical researchers find ways to put an abnormal heartbeat back into a steady state, instead of uncontrolled chaos.
Annnd MUSIC!
yes Music...
Music can be created using fractals as well.
Using the Lorenz attractor, Diana S. Dabby, a graduate student in electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has created variations of musical themes. ("Bach to Chaos: Chaotic Variations on a Classical Theme", Science News, Dec. 24, 1994) By associating the musical notes of a piece of music like Bach's Prelude in C with the x coordinates of the Lorenz attractor, and running a computer program, she has created variations of the theme of the song. Most musicians who hear the new sounds believe that the variations are very musical and creative
this is just Amazing..
chaos is the art of creation...
and people wonder why I am so obssessed with choas!
people need to get lost in Mandelbrot set for a while… zooming in and out to appreciate the art and the greatness of chaos
12 Jan 2008
Bon JoVi.. work on this!

This is currently my life….
Every thing… the dim hope… the multiple directions… the uncomfortable seats… untied shoes –like always- , empty glasses and full bags…
people I can’t recognize… cant understand…
Up there, a lot of things going on
Things that are really distractive …
Loud noise..
Weird…weird thoughts
no one will ever want to know about them…
I love chaos..
Constructive chaos…
Chaos is good…
8 Jan 2008
Arabism?!... Come on!
I don’t believe in Arabism for so many reasons.
I am not honored by it… I believe in my country, my people, humans… but I don’t believe in Arabism which I still have no meaning for it, I still don’t comprehend the goal of it, the core of it, and the reason to fight for it since Arabic leaders shamefully have the “apotheosis” internal policy and the “kissing asses” external policy…
Things changed, new theories, new ideologies, new understanding, new cultures are being built, new people …
Plus I just want to know how the Palestinian cause is benefiting from Arabism?
Language is not enough, as long as we don’t share the interests…!
History is not enough, we don’t share the future…!
Religion is just a brainless idea to get united not to mention we don’t share one religion – thank God-
So why are we still holding on it?
It breaks my heart to say so, I feel defeated to say I don’t believe in Arabism and I don’t know why.
but we should stop lying to ourselves and start thinking of a new practical method to get away from this crack, to actually help our causes not because of fake relation that no one believes in but because of doing what is right and fight the mutual enemy we have, find the mutual interests and try to build it out.
We should Think critical and stop this tribal attitudes that will only hold us down.
I don’t believe in Arabism but I believe in my country, I believe in Humans… and I believe in Justice… this is my cause.
I am not honored by it… I believe in my country, my people, humans… but I don’t believe in Arabism which I still have no meaning for it, I still don’t comprehend the goal of it, the core of it, and the reason to fight for it since Arabic leaders shamefully have the “apotheosis” internal policy and the “kissing asses” external policy…
Things changed, new theories, new ideologies, new understanding, new cultures are being built, new people …
Plus I just want to know how the Palestinian cause is benefiting from Arabism?
Language is not enough, as long as we don’t share the interests…!
History is not enough, we don’t share the future…!
Religion is just a brainless idea to get united not to mention we don’t share one religion – thank God-
So why are we still holding on it?
It breaks my heart to say so, I feel defeated to say I don’t believe in Arabism and I don’t know why.
but we should stop lying to ourselves and start thinking of a new practical method to get away from this crack, to actually help our causes not because of fake relation that no one believes in but because of doing what is right and fight the mutual enemy we have, find the mutual interests and try to build it out.
We should Think critical and stop this tribal attitudes that will only hold us down.
I don’t believe in Arabism but I believe in my country, I believe in Humans… and I believe in Justice… this is my cause.
7 Jan 2008
"أنا أصغر من أصغر ذرة, و كذلك أكبر من أكبر جرم, أنا الكل, الكون المتعدد الأشكال و الألوان, الفاتن البهيج, الغريب العجيب, أنا الإنسان الرب, أنا جوهر الذهب, أنا مقام الجمال الإلهي بعينه"
Henrich zimmer – (the philosophies of India)
Henrich zimmer – (the philosophies of India)
4 Jan 2008
yeah we grow colder!
Today I found by chance a couple of old cassettes belong to my very early childhood, one of them is for Remie Bandaly and the other is for remie and Magedah al roomy children songs…
wow those took me way back into a magical warm sweet feeling that I cant express… and flashes of memories went by and time went by so quickly..
I remembered and actually smelled my usual mornings when I was in my 1st grade till my 5th when dad used to wait with me in the morning for the school bus… he always asked me to run in order to feel warm when it is really cold… I have never felt such warm since those days.
I remembered when I used to climb the next building’s fence cause it looked more appealing for me than the opened door…
I remembered when I used to race dad to the car – an old old Peugeot- to turn it on and heat the engine, I used to get so down in order to reach the benzene … that was a big pleasure for me!
I remember grandma’s warm sitting room, and my aunt’s chocolates that she used to bring us from Beirut or any place she travels to, I remembered my own corner in the dinning room, it was always dark and cold, I enjoyed sitting there alone, writing or reading…I had big imagination…
I used to gather with friends in the school yard talking about Palestine, and putting plans to go there and fight, my role was to defect Israeli’s submarines.
I used to put plans with friends a lot… I had a friend who had big imagination like mine and we planned to run into the mountains and live an exciting life fighting bad guys – don’t judge me, I was like 6-
I remembered when I used to read what ever I find, I have always had a crush on Physics, I was no geniuses, actually even though I was really good at school but I didn’t realize some simplest things in science like I didn’t understand why the oceans in the southern polar never drop down nor the people living there till I was in my 3ed grade in spite of all efforts by dad!
When we were kids we were stronger and we were purer, we’ve always found stuff to do… we never felt empty, we never felt so damn insecure…
We grow colder as we grow older, we grow weaker ….and we grow smaller…
P.S: if any one needs a specific song by Remi I can share it as mp3 form.
Cheers every one :)
wow those took me way back into a magical warm sweet feeling that I cant express… and flashes of memories went by and time went by so quickly..
I remembered and actually smelled my usual mornings when I was in my 1st grade till my 5th when dad used to wait with me in the morning for the school bus… he always asked me to run in order to feel warm when it is really cold… I have never felt such warm since those days.
I remembered when I used to climb the next building’s fence cause it looked more appealing for me than the opened door…
I remembered when I used to race dad to the car – an old old Peugeot- to turn it on and heat the engine, I used to get so down in order to reach the benzene … that was a big pleasure for me!
I remember grandma’s warm sitting room, and my aunt’s chocolates that she used to bring us from Beirut or any place she travels to, I remembered my own corner in the dinning room, it was always dark and cold, I enjoyed sitting there alone, writing or reading…I had big imagination…
I used to gather with friends in the school yard talking about Palestine, and putting plans to go there and fight, my role was to defect Israeli’s submarines.
I used to put plans with friends a lot… I had a friend who had big imagination like mine and we planned to run into the mountains and live an exciting life fighting bad guys – don’t judge me, I was like 6-
I remembered when I used to read what ever I find, I have always had a crush on Physics, I was no geniuses, actually even though I was really good at school but I didn’t realize some simplest things in science like I didn’t understand why the oceans in the southern polar never drop down nor the people living there till I was in my 3ed grade in spite of all efforts by dad!
When we were kids we were stronger and we were purer, we’ve always found stuff to do… we never felt empty, we never felt so damn insecure…
We grow colder as we grow older, we grow weaker ….and we grow smaller…
P.S: if any one needs a specific song by Remi I can share it as mp3 form.
Cheers every one :)
the eternal winter
So, you are in pain… you are tired… and you feel cold
It is stormy outside, and it is so dark…
You can’t see but the empty half of the glass cause it is all empty…
It’s like an eternal winter… the winter that will never ends…
There are not enough wood out there to warm you up…
You feel weak and you feel empty…
Surrounded by hundreds and yet you feel lonely…
What do you do?
You wear your coat and fill up some hot coffee
You open the door, take a deep breath, smile …close the door and walk away as fast as you can…
You can work it out, you can make the pain go away, lighten your way…
You don’t have to learn how to love the winter, create your own season.
It is stormy outside, and it is so dark…
You can’t see but the empty half of the glass cause it is all empty…
It’s like an eternal winter… the winter that will never ends…
There are not enough wood out there to warm you up…
You feel weak and you feel empty…
Surrounded by hundreds and yet you feel lonely…
What do you do?
You wear your coat and fill up some hot coffee
You open the door, take a deep breath, smile …close the door and walk away as fast as you can…
You can work it out, you can make the pain go away, lighten your way…
You don’t have to learn how to love the winter, create your own season.
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